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Summer Camp Inglés y Multiaventura


Un programa que combina un método perfecto de inglés, multiaventura y la posibilidad de disfrutar en plena naturaleza. Estancias de 10 días. ¡¡HAZ YA TU RESERVA!!
Tienes dos sesiones para elegir en julio. Precio 695€

Viaje Cultural y Prácticas ONG en Londres


Una forma de mejorar las perspectivas profesionales realizando prácticas de trabajo en diferentes empresas ONG de Londres. Para edades de 16 a 18 años y nivel de inglés A1.

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English summer camps in England and Spain | Telf. 648 956 204

Summer camps in English Benagéber

A program that combines a perfect method of English, multi-adventure and the possibility of obtaining accreditation.

Price: 695 10-day stays*

Summer holidays in English 2025 in the Benagéber camp (Valencia) Language immersion with our native teachers and … You have two sessions in July. There are few left…

Cultural Trip and NGO Internships in London

Internships in several NGOs and other companies. Accommodation with London families. But with free evenings and weekends to explore London! From June 21 to July 5, 10 places. Ages from 16 years. English level A1. A great opportunity to live a unique experience practicing English in London.

Rugby School Residence England

2 weeks

One of the oldest residential schools in England, noted for its magnificent facilities and rich history. Complete English program including various activities, visits, excursions and more…

Dates from July 2 to July 16, 2025

Summer Stays in Ireland

Discover the best kept secret to really learn English

We all know that English is important. That it opens doors. That it is key to the future. And yet, after years of classes, exams and textbooks… it remains a difficult wall to climb for many.

Travel to London with school

5 day trips to London for School Centers. Enjoy an unforgettable school trip to London. Our stays include a visit to a London school associated with our international BSSEP program. We offer a stay that combines visits and essential tours of London with a very enjoyable and practical English learning program …

THREE DAY Mini Camps
for schools

We are pleased to inform you about our 3-day mini camps, aimed at primary, ESO and secondary school students and taken to carried out in The Community of Madrid and The Valencian Community during the school year. Our English immersions through contests and games are extraordinarily suitable for all students. LIMITED PLACES MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW!

English Adventures. Experts in organizing English immersions | Telf. 648 956 204

Come to the Summer Camps in English for young people

* Campos obligatorios / * Obligatory field

We invite you to read our privacy policy before submitting the form.

English summer camps. Outdoor adventure activity in Scotland Dalguise

Nothing is comparable, to learn and improve languages, that a sunny summer camp on the mountain, or on the beaches of Valencia, with a program of English activities where young people develop their sporting skills during the summers, are English summer camps where the young person is enriched with multiple experiences. The camping in English, or the coexistence where they learn English, last between 4 and 10 days (some two weeks), depending on the type of camp, enough time to live a real summer in English. [Su_spacer]

At English Adventures we think it is very important that both parents and children have a well-formed idea of what a camp in English is, the learning groups and the language practices in the natural spaces we offer. Therefore, we organize open days so that everyone can know the facilities, the activities and, most importantly, the human team, both native teachers and instructors, who will participate in the organization of the summer camp in English.


We have a list of very varied camps: summer experiences in English in Benageber, Valencia; Immersion of English in Santa Pola with nautical activities; Summer camps in English and weekend immersion in El Escorial, Madrid; Experiences with British schoolchildren in different parts of Spain; Summer bivouac in the United Kingdom, Scotland with PGL Travel LTD in Dalguise and working internships in London for young people from 16 to 21 years old with everything included. In them the children learn English, receive classes, carry out their sports activity, and live their summer camp here with all the complete services. They will never forget the experience of a camp in English.

Our summer coexistence in the United Kingdom

During the school year the children have already studied English in their schools, now it is about enjoying their summer holidays in the United Kingdom, practicing the language with young Englishmen of their age, but at all times and because they They want, because they want to understand what they are saying and that the comrades of the British campus understand what they in turn tell them. Sharing so many hours and many activities and experiences together causes this desire for communication and also have fun doing it, a very good way to spend two weeks in the UK and enjoy a summer in English. [Su_spacer]

A summer camp in English. As a team, it is always betterYou can already book the camp program in English adapted to the needs of young people between the ages of 10-13 and 13-16: EFL ADVENTURE + IMMERSION. This camp is held in Dalguise (Scotland), lasts 2 weeks and has 4 excursions: two for one day and another two for half a day. With dynamic and fun English lessons, in the morning, with native teachers and PGL experts. The implementation of the knowledge of English is in the afternoon with multi-adventure activities, and at night with other tasks.


  • Billetes de avión
  • Seguro médico y de asistencia en viaje .
  • Un tutor acompañante de Canterbury Consulting Spain.
  • Alojamiento y pensión completa en el campamento en inglés
  • Inmersión en Inglés y todas las actividades.


  • Plane tickets
  • Medical insurance and travel assistance.
  • A tutor accompanying Canterbury Consulting Spain.
  • Accommodation and full board at the camp in English
  • Immersion in English and all activities.


Tanto los vivac de inglés en España como los campamentos de verano en Reino Unido, están organizados y tutelados por un experimentado equipo humano con titulación. En este caso, prima la experiencia y formación de los guías para garantizar que la diversión tiene lugar en condiciones óptimas de seguridad.


Food preparation follows the strict control HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). The menus are configured with the double criterion that it contributes nutritional value, but also that it is in accordance with the tastes of the children. For those who have any food incompatibility, allergy or intolerance a specific menu will be elaborated.


Camp in English. My friend always accompanies me

The program of multi-adventure activities may vary depending on weather conditions, river flow or any other technical condition that, in the opinion of the activities coordinator, suggests a modification of the program, with the main objective of guaranteeing safety. In the event that, for any reason, the child does not wish to participate in any of the adventure activities of the program, he will be excused from doing so, although he will remain with the group, under the tutelage of the monitors.


In the event that parents decide to give money to their children, an amount between 20-40 euros is recommended for the entire camp.


During the development of English summer camps, children will be supervised by the monitors while scheduled activities take place. At night, there will be guard monitors. Likewise, during the entire stay, the camp director will be available 24 hours a day for any need that may arise, especially if it is necessary to move a child to the nearest health center or hospital.


The children carry a multi-liability travel insurance policy with RC coverage. This insurance covers the contingencies associated with hospitalization expenses and medications, as well as other habitual coverages of this type of camps to spend an exciting summer in English. Additionally, they carry a specific policy (which complements the previous one) for multi-adventure activities.


In order to make English training more efficient, groups of children are organized in the summer camp in English according to the level of English. In this way, there is a greater harmony between the components of each group and the teachers have a more accurate idea of the language skills that children have. When they already have more level they will be able to make official English tests.


For any additional information you want about our summer camps in English, you can contact:
English Adventures
Hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
La Parra Coworking. Calle Alcalá, Posterior, 489, 28027 Madrid.
Tlfs. +34 918380082 • +34 648 956 204info@canterburyconsulting.es

Canterbury Consulting Spain S.L. An experienced language school

Canterbury Consulting Spain SL School

The learning of languages and new technologies is a factor of vital importance at world level that should be taken into account. And one of the key advantages in learning a new language is the use of advanced ways of learning that incorporate all these technologies, which our children like so much, but without forgetting the human side.

It is a widely contrasted fact that age greatly influences the learning of a new language, and that children who start studying soon end up enjoying their practice and assimilate it much better.

English and Spanish are the two most widespread languages ​​in the world, and are in high demand both in the United Kingdom. Like in Spain.

Canterbury Consulting Spain, as a center of The College of Teacher has designed and implemented a language exchange program (the BSSEP) that matches British and Spanish schools through the following initiatives:

  1. Initial contacts via e-mail exchanges and Power Point presentations between paired children of each school.
  2. Skype connections / Webcams for work of both groups.
  3. I work on projects based on specific topics that are put into practice during joint stays.
  4. Annual visits of the schools where the twin school groups live together for 5 days in one of our multi adventure educational centers.

The design and implementation of this program (the BSSEP) is adapted to the needs of each participating school and is intended as a complement to the school’s own language course.

The British Spanish Schools Exchange Program provides a special incentive for students to learn and enjoy a foreign language.

In this way, students not only learn a language, receive classes, know a sporting life, experience a summer camp, but also open their minds to a new culture that will enrich them, make them more complete beings and will be useful in your most immediate future.

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