Offers Summer Camps in English Prices

Aprovecha nuestras ofetas

Take advantage of our offers. English camps 2025 On this page you can see all the offers of our summer camps in English, prices and days in which they will be held, so you can see them at a glance. I hope the information is useful and you can take advantage of our English prices in summer. SUMMER CAMP IN ENGLISH • SESSION 1> From July 12 to July 21 – 10 DAYS • SESSION 2> From July 22 to July 31 – 10 DAYS A paradise of fun and adventure in the middle of nature practicing English in summer Prices € 695 stays of 10 days For more information download our BROCHURE: END OF YEAR CAMP WITH BRITISH SCHOOLS Joint stay with British schoolchildren of Alperton Community School British Spanish Schools Exchange Program BSSEP Total price of € 195 3 night stay The 2025 English youth camps are activities…

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Intensive course English immersion camps Madrid

Inmersión de inglés en El Escorial

>> ACTIVITY ALREADY PERFORMED << Immersion in weekends in the Community of Madrid Dates: In October Intensive course English immersion camps Madrid A camp made with an interactive methodology: workshops, adventure activities and a fun contest that will challenge students to challenges, enigmas and debates, inspired by Da Vinci Code Games but focused on the Monastery of El Escorial. In our intensive course English immersion camps in Madrid, all activities, games and quiz are conducted in English. A different camp with a different methodology for participants to practice and improve their English while developing their creativity and ability to work as a team. Madrid’s community. Weekends THE WORKSHOPS: MOVIE MAKE UP • CASINO NIGHT • STREET DANCE • CROUP COMPETITION • GEO LOCATION • NIGHT ACTIVITIES FUN, ENGLISH AND ADVENTURE !! Teaching team of the intensive course English immersion camps Madrid Native English teachers qualified in Teaching English as a…

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Summer camps community of Madrid. Escorial 1

Vivacs y summer camps en Madrid

SESSION 1> From July 1 to July 10 – 10 DAYS ENGLISH ADVENTURES  JULY camp in El Escorial Hostel. Madrid  And coexistence with British London schoolchildren. Dates: SESSION 1 – July 1 to 10 / SESSION 2 – July 21 to 30  Summer camps community of Madrid in English An English immersion camp made with an interactive methodology : workshops , video reports , adventureactivities and a fun contest that will challenge students to challenges, enigmas and debates , using new technologies in Geo Location and the old town of El Escorial as a playground. All activities , games and quiz are done in English . At the end of the activities the students will be able to take an international certification test, TOEFL Junior , which will be important for their future studies. Starting on July 5 through our international program BSSEP, a group of British students from the Clapham Girls Academy in London will arrive at the summer camps in Madrid. They will share the activities with the Spanish students. ACTIVITIES LIST: Geo location competition DJ Workshops Mapping…

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Summer camps in English

Campamentos de verano en Benagéber

Camps for kids10 DAYS 695 € They will speak English immersed in multi-adventure activities, group games and educational workshops. Language immersion get-togethers this summer 2025 in English at the English Adventures Camp (Valencia) YOU DESERVE IT! At English Adventures, with our native teachers and experts in English summer camps, we ensure that participants have fun expressing themselves in English in our programmed activities and in the environments we create in this setting of the Benagéber camp. REQUEST YOUR BOOKING NOW YOU DESERVE IT! VÍDEOS IMAGES Piraguista alevín en plena acción Baile de grupo a mover el esqueleto Actividad de grupo seguidme el ritmo El trenecito del agua que no cae No estamos haciendo la siesta Todos a remar al lago Pero que divertida ha sido esta actividad Piscina de verano Plataforma sobre el embalse de Benagéber Dos chicos corren por la plataforma sobre ela gua Dos chicos en e…

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