Travel to London with the College

Grupos escolares de viaje a Londres

5 day trips to London for School Centers Enjoy a school trip to London. Our stays include a visit to a London school associated with our international BSSEP program. We offer a stay that combines visits and essential tours of London with an enjoyable and practical English learning program. Information brochure  Itinerary information Canterbury Consulting Spain, in partnership with Hiper Fairs S.A., we take care of: Flights, insurance, lodging, meals, public transport in London and transfers to airports in both Spain and London. HIPER FAIRS S.A Official travel agency of Canterbury Consulting Spain The schools will have the possibility of receiving bonuses through the Tripartite Foundation for the teachers who travel and for the contents taught during the stay. We offer previous presentations about our program to parents, students and teachers.

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Immersion experiences for schools

Ven a conocer los mini campamentos de EA

Mini THREE DAY Camps for schools Dear Teachers, Mothers and Fathers: We are pleased to inform you about our 3-day mini-camps, aimed at primary and secondary school students and carried out at La Comunidad de Madrid and La Comunidad de Valencia during the school year. Our immersion stays in English through projects, contests and games, are extraordinarily suitable for students whether it is their first camp or experienced campers. We have carried out numerous camps with great success, both in Valencia under the name of English Adventures and International Camps under our BSSEP program and for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Community of Madrid. I invite you to read the attached information and I also inform you that we are at your disposal for any extension of the program. Receive a warm greeting. Mini Campamento en MADRID Mini Camp in Madrid Mini Campamento en VALENCIA Mini…

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Camps and trips for schools

Viajar con el colegio a Inglaterra

Get to know our offers of camps and trips to schools. Canterbury Consulting Spain presents its offer of camps and school trips specially designed for schools and institutes. Nobody doubts that the best way to settle the knowledge acquired from the English language is to travel to English speaking countries, and to share for several days a language immersion experience like the one offered by our English academy. Our experience organizing this type of events is already very long, you just have to visit our section of the BSSEP program and our website specialized in summer camps in Spain and England English Adventures. At the moment we have the following camps and school trips: Mini THREE DAY Camps for schools FIVE DAY trips to London for schools Stays and courses at Multiadventure Centers UK (Kingswood)

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