Take advantage of our offers. English camps 2025
On this page you can see all the offers of our summer camps in English, prices and days in which they will be held, so you can see them at a glance. I hope the information is useful and you can take advantage of our English prices in summer.
• SESSION 1> From July 12 to July 21 – 10 DAYS
• SESSION 2> From July 22 to July 31 – 10 DAYS
A paradise of fun and adventure in the middle of nature practicing English in summer
Prices € 695 stays of 10 days
For more information download our BROCHURE:

Joint stay with British schoolchildren of Alperton Community School British Spanish Schools Exchange Program BSSEP
Total price of € 195 3 night stay
The 2025 English youth camps are activities designed with 6th, 1st and 2nd ESO students in mind, with the intention of participating in a meeting between Spanish and British schoolchildren of the same age.
Departure: From Valencia city center, June 22 at 10:00
Return: Monday, June 25 at 11:00.
For more information download our BROCHURE:

WORK EXPERIENCE for 16+ years
A way to improve professional perspectives by doing work practices in different companies in London
DATES: June 22 to 6 July, 2025
Price € 2,100 for 2-week stays
For more information download our BROCHURE:
We invite you to read our privacy policy before submitting the form.
Check prices for offers in other camps
PHOTO gallery of our English camps
This year we have designed new summer English camps and coexistence so that no child, girl or young person is left without living this experience. The camps in Benagéber, this year that has rained a lot, will be spectacular, as always with all the activities you already know, not only multi-adventure but the night parties, competitions, workshops, etc. And with the English prices in summer that we offer you can not say no.
The camps in the United Kingdom have changed a bit, instead of being in England they will be in Scotland, Dalguise, with impressive facilities and in an incomparable natural setting. Do not miss the guided tour in 3D that we offer on this page. This type of immersion is ideal for improving English because you live with boys and girls from Great Britain.
The camps in El Escorial, both those made in the form of twinning between schools throughout the year and summer gatherings, and mini-camps of three days in different places do not have dates or prices included in this page because they are still decide.
We hope that all our preparations will be of your pleasure so that our children can enjoy one more year of summer camps in English, affordable prices for all budgets. Our motto could be that: No child without his English immersion experience this summer.
Take advantage of our English prices in summer.