Sport and Adventure in Summer English Camps

Adventure activity in English summer camps

Multiadventure in the summer camps in English for children

Everyone knows that school is not the only important element in the education of our children, which is why we can not dump all the responsibility of the development of children in schools, I know that they already do everything they can with the means they have, and sometimes they go beyond what is expected of them. But the ultimate responsibility for the global education of the children is always the family, and although it delegates this work to a great extent in the school, it must seek to facilitate those elements that are beneficial for the balanced growth of the adult and responsible person in which it will become one day the child. For this reason, extracurricular activities have such a boom today, although today we are only going to refer to this interesting combination of sport, adventure and summer English camps.

The educational administration explains the importance, and therefore its inclusion in the subjects, of sport and physical activities in general in its introduction:

“The 21st century man finds it essential to exercise the body if he does not want to see prematurely atrophied many of his bodily functions and capabilities. It is through the body and movement that the person relates to the environment. On the other hand, the scarce corporal activity displayed in the current system of life (displacements in vehicles, substitution of the works carried out directly by the man by works of appropriate machines, houses with very reduced spaces, progressive reduction of the time of work, etc. ) leads to greater emphasis on physical activities as a means of psychophysical balance and maintenance of leisure time occupation “. 

But more fully enters the justifications for the introduction of sport in the school curriculum with the following paragraph:

Sport, considered as a specific part of parent behaviors, has the social value of being the most common way of understanding and practicing physical activity in our social and cultural context. In general, the social value of sports practice corresponds to competitive, selective and restricted to a single specialty, which are not always compatible with the educational intentions of the school curriculum. Sport in the area of Physical Education must have an open character, without participation being subject to the characteristics of sex, skill levels or other criteria of discrimination, and must not respond to competitive, selective and restricted approaches to a single specialty. . (…) Throughout the stage should promote and facilitate the student dominate a variety of bodily and sports activities. “

Summer camps in English for children

However, in Spain, the educational focus of school sports is often lost sight of, and stereotypes of adult spectacle sport are repeated with their excessive load of competitiveness, which sometimes results in behaviors that have nothing to do with education, serve as an example (or a bad example, better said) what we have seen lately in the news about football matches between kids that end with parents insulting right and left, or worse, assaulting the referee or other parents. There the values ​​of sport shine but by their absence. In those cases, the important thing is the performance and the result. A sport has not been designed for boys or girls of school age, but for men and small women.

For all this it is advisable to practice adventure sports like those we do in our English camps for young people. It does not happen as in mass sports, there is no talk of victories or defeats, there is no competition among the participants. Rather, it is about fostering teamwork, personal improvement and the enjoyment of nature. They are direct experiences with enriching experiences of resistance, concentration, self-confidence and a healthy self-esteem. Whether it’s canoeing on the lake, rappelling, zip-lining or going from one pine to another through ropes and trunks, the adventure activities in English summer camps can be many and very different but they all have that in common:

“The adventure in any of its facets involves entering territories of the unknown and that immediately captivates the students and the teacher, bringing together different achievements and experiences , generating common spaces for leisure and fun “. (Parra M. and Rovira CM 2002)

There are values ​​that can be learned through adventure activities, and our English dives in both the United Kingdom and Spain through our English camps for kids, are for this important work. We expose some of these values ​​from different dimensions:

Ethical dimension: in summer camps in English, equality, availability, joy, generosity, respect for oneself and others, sincerity, etc. are worked on.

Intellectual dimension: Knowledge, self-reflection, good habits, discipline, intellectual work techniques, etc.

Personal dimension: power of the dignity of the person, identity, autonomy, self-esteem, responsibility, decision-making, interior balance, creativity, effort capacity, will, etc.

Social dimension: solidarity, freedom of expression, tolerance, democratic coexistence, respect for norms, relationship with the environment, friendship, cooperation, fraternity, integration in the community, etc.

Aesthetic and vital dimension: health habits, quality of life, courtesy, motivation to live the day to day, responsible consumption, sustainability, etc.

And with this post we have finished this review of the advantages of adventure sports in natural environments, such as those that English Adventures tries to offer in their language immersion camps and summer gatherings in natural spaces.

Blas Cubells Villalba – Educator.


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