Hello everyone, in this blog we will write things about the world of summer camps in general and in particular about immersion camps in English, both in Spain and in England.
We will talk about the history of the camps, where it has its origin, the activities that are developed, the values that are worked with the monitors, the importance of living an immersion in English for learning and practicing the language, how it is experience helps the good ducative development of your children, etc., etc., etc.
We hope that the next posts are of your interest.

Importance of learning English as a child in a summer camp
How can we relate the summer camps of English (also called summer camp) with the early learning of a language? Very easy, just follow my following arguments: Reasons to learn English there are many: yes it is the most spoken language in the world, that if at work we are going to ask, that if it is a window open to new cultures, that if we will not have problems to understand each other in the trips, that if it will give us greater security in oneself, etc. To these reasons that would serve for all people of any other non-Spanish nationality, we should add the advantage of speaking Spanish, because speaking these two languages we cover a huge spectrum of language needs in the world. The Spanish-English tandem is the ideal bilingualism dreamed up by all, and this is so because Spanish is the second most spoken language, the…

Summer camps and emotional intelligence
The holidays are approaching (and the time of the summer camps) and we have to plan what we are going to do, where we will go, and especially what is best for our children, since their vacations are much longer than ours, and many times we ask ourselves: how can they take advantage of them for their development without feeling forced? Actually all the stimuli that reach young people influence their education, cinema, friends, shop windows, internet, family … and of course summer activities. The ideal is that the kids have a different environment than usual that enriches their world, with new stimuli, supervised and aimed at promoting values and skills that they will need in the future and also in the present. That’s why summer school vacations, bivouacs in nature, whether in English, in England, in the environment or in football, are a good option for summer school vacations.…

Sport and Adventure in Summer English Camps
Multiadventure in the summer camps in English for children Everyone knows that school is not the only important element in the education of our children, which is why we can not dump all the responsibility of the development of children in schools, I know that they already do everything they can with the means they have, and sometimes they go beyond what is expected of them. But the ultimate responsibility for the global education of the children is always the family, and although it delegates this work to a great extent in the school, it must seek to facilitate those elements that are beneficial for the balanced growth of the adult and responsible person in which it will become one day the child. For this reason, extracurricular activities have such a boom today, although today we are only going to refer to this interesting combination of sport, adventure and summer…

The first summer colonies in English. History II
Continuing with the theme of the previous post about the camps, or the summer camps, and their origins, today we continue with what was promised and we will talk about what is considered the first summer camp in the history of education, but do not expect the theme revolves around coexistence to learn English, or bivouacs of language immersion, and much less English courses in England, not going, that would come much later as we will see soon. Apart from the private experiments conducted throughout the nineteenth century in several European countries, it was Pastor Bión the true pioneer when in 1876 he decided to unite the curricular programs of official education with the clear social needs of some population groups and, in addition, he did it far from the desks of the classrooms, concretely in a place of the Alps called Appenzel, although, yes, everything had to be under…

The Benagéber Reservoir and the summer camps in Valencia
Brief history of the Benagéber Reservoir Thousands of young people, teenagers, boys and girls, and tourists visit the Benagéber holiday centers in Valencia each year, its forests, jetties, reservoir and summer camps in valencia on top of the mountain. Some come to relax a few days, others to go hiking, canyoning, school gatherings between England and Spain, various multi-adventure activities, abseiling, zip-line, from pine to pine, water sports or simply practice and improve a language in the summer camps in Valencia. But of all of them few are those who know the history that hides after their deserved days of rest. The Benagéber reservoir can be found in the middle of the Túria River, in the province of Valencia. Specifically in the region of Los Serranos, in Benagéber, a town that is part of the Mancomunidad del Alto Turia and that in 2013 had a census of 216 inhabitants.…

Native teachers with the TEFL Certification
You will wonder what is that about the TEFL Certification that is so much talked about. Well, let’s explain it. Those native English speakers who want to be English teachers in a non-English speaking country, need to take the TEFL to obtain a certificate that ensures a good quality in the teaching of the language. It can also be taken by anyone with a C1 level of English. At Canterbury Consulting Spain we offer these TEFL courses with our International TEFL Academy where, in addition to the certificate that allows us to teach English abroad, we also give paid work as an English teacher in Madrid and in summer camps to our students of. The initials of TEFL refer to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL / TESOL). In this course, the skills required to be a good English teacher are worked on. Learn more about our TEFL Certification…

Open Day Benagéber Camp
Next Saturday, May 20, we will make our usual DAY OF OPEN DOORS . With the intention that all those parents and children who want to know firsthand how our English summer camps are can live the experience during a whole day in the Benagéber camp. In addition there is an added incentive: in our Open House Day we find students from the Alperton Community School in London who will be in those days living their campus experience within the that has created Canterbury Consulting spain in the Benagéver camp in Valencia. This is a very good opportunity to share experiences , do activities and practice English with schoolchildren in the UK in real life, one on one, and we can also help them in practicing Spanish that will surely come in handy. The place will be in the Holiday Center Reservoir of Benageber in Valencia. It is an ideal space for practicing all kinds of camps , it is located 800 meters above sea level, within a wonderful pine forest , and surrounded by natural landscapes rich…
The teachers speak English as their mother tongue. And before that they have done TEFL courses with us (CCS) that enable them to teach in Spain.
In addition, many of them have also done our Spanish in Spain language program, to make themselves understood and understand Spanish.